Klubben har i år tilmeldt et turneringshold, der består af 2 herrespillere, som spiller 5 matches mod andre klubber. Derudover, tilmelder vi et hold med 4 herrespillere
Træner: Szymon Sokolowski
Tidspunkt: Torsdag kl. 17.30 - 19.00
Startdato: 1. maj (dog ingen træning i juli)
Pris: 300 kr.
This year the club has registered a tournament team, which consists of two male players, who play 5 matches against other clubs. Furthermore we will be registering a team consisting of four male players
Coach: Szymon Sokolowski
Time: Thursday 5.30 - 7.00 p.m.
Starting date: 1st May (No coaching in July)
Price: DKK 300